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Renting in 2021 - Flexibility is the Key!


Updated: Feb 22, 2022

Looking at recent studies we predict lodgers will spend years living in "temporary" short let accommodation after the national COVID-19 vaccine roll out. We are seeing a trend in enquiries for en-suite or self-contained accommodation since the pandemic hit.

covid vaccine

Many businesses are dispensing with traditional offices and the attraction of living in a city is starting to diminish, thus leading many lodgers having a new set of priorities when looking for accommodation. Lodgers are working from home and have started to realise they do not need to be near offices now or in the near future. Students have moved back home to parents and are questioning whether they need to return, and many lodgers are concerned about their employment status and are reluctant to sign new long-term contracts.

professional lodger working from home

Going forward it suggests many lodgers will be seeking a much more flexible solution allowing them to be more transient and flexible on duration and even terms.

We will be welcoming more landlords to our client base that are flexible and are willing to consider an almost Airbnb type of contract with us. You will see in our last news piece that the market is changing and we are working a lot more with contractors that are working in the film industry, these can be directors, make up artists or costume designers... these professional work long hours and generally need just a few months rental at one time.

For more details and to register with us please get in touch.

Take care & stay safe, ​



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